
Photo: Selena Raselli


Dorotea Crameri is a composer, songwriter, and musician from Poschiavo based in Zürich. She has collaborated with the Baltic Opera in Danzig, the Opernaus Zürich, the theatre Basel and the Swiss National Radio.

In 2016, she served as a jury member at the Young Film Festival "Castellinaria," followed by another jury role at the International Festival for Animated Films "Fantoche" in 2018.

In 2019, she achieved first prize in the Eastern Swiss Short Film Competition (Ostschweizer Kurzfilmwettbewerb) in the under-20 category.

In 2020, Dorotea successfully completed her KBS (Künstlerisches Basisstudium), a basic artistic study in violin, at the Vorarlberg Conservatory in Austria. 

In 2021, her music video for 'Little Lady' reached the finals of the short film competition in the under-21 category. The following year Dorotea and her sister Milena Crameri, a dancer and choreographer, received the Grisons Cultural Encouragement Award.

In 2023, she completed her Bachelor's degree in composition for film, theatre, and media at the University of the Arts in Zurich.
Dorotea sings, plays the violin and the guitar.

She is currently pursuing a Master's degree in composition for film, theatre and media and working as a freelancer composer.
